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Appalachia was known in the United States as widely voting for President Donald Trump and heavily supporting his promises to bring back wealth and support the coal industry. Although he made these promises, it has slowly become more evident that he does not intend to keep those promises. The new budget plan would completely cut out the Appalachian Regional Commission. People may not understand how detrimental this can be to the region as from October 2015 to January 2017 the ARC invested $17 million just in Virginia and there were an extra $22 million in private investments. The money that the ARC invests is used to help create project, retain jobs, and provide training for students as well as workers (Frothingham, 2017).


The future of the Appalachian communities is heavily reliant on keeping money flowing into the region so that students are able to become a part of projects and be better prepared for a career once they finish their education, or to help them finish their education. That is why College Mentors for Kids would be a good program to have involved in the community because it would not need any government money, and the college students donate their own time and fundraise they own money. It would help to get the college more included and invested in the communities around it, as well as give children opportunities to understand the importance of education or career readiness (Trump Budget, 2017).





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