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Melody's Experience

"I have been in the program for three years now. I currently am paired with a 7 year old boy in 2nd grade. This is his first year in the program, and I have already seen him grow. The positive influence that a mentoring relationship can bring is worthwhile. He has learned skills to communicate effectively as well as respect for others. Additionally, he has been exposed to new interests and careers that he has found enjoyable! In conclusion, every Monday when he steps foot onto campus and greets me, I know the positive impact that I am making on him!"

Gina's Experience

“As a Family Coordinator I have been able to see my fifth grade buddy family grow in ways that I had not previously imagined. Some of our students were dealing with suspensions from school and were at risk for dropping out of school. Throughout my time with these children their mentors have inspired them to try and learn new techniques for when they are upset and have used the support system built by our buddy family in order to help them stay out of trouble. The program has also introduced many of our children to careers that they did not know existed and has encouraged them to stay out of trouble in order to be able to follow their passions.”

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